Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sugar Spun Pages

When the balloon's rope snapped taut against its groundings, I looked down to the (rather large) specks that comprised my classmates and teachers and thought "it's pretty cool to be a nerd." On my third year of winning the summer reading award, something I shared with two twin sisters, who happened to be my friends and in my year, I felt such pride while stepping into our prize - a tethered balloon ride in the great lawn of our school. It's something I had done twice before at that point, but it hadn't lost its thrill. It's nice when something healthy you've done pays off. What's healthier than feeding your mind?

I've always taken my reading very seriously. From back in my days of jotting down how many pages and minutes - to the second and paragraph - I fell on during those muggy summer months until now, as I sit in my grown-up apartment after a full day of work waiting for my husband to complete his day's commute.

My grandmother has to be the one who taught it to me. She drinks in pages like sweet water and churns through veritable tomes in hours. She has strong opinions on what she reads, and she's not afraid to voice them. I always enjoyed sitting in her room while she read or listening to the recently added facts she can pull from her knowledge base.

I was fortunate enough to marry into a book-loving family. Or, at the very least, I was blessed to be accepted so readily by a book-loving mother-in-law. She blesses me with many borrowed adventures into her personal library, and we have similar enough interests to express thoughts over what we've read and enjoyed (or, sometimes, even better, what we didn't like in the least).

I wanted to start a blog for reviews and book reading alike for several reasons. The most obvious reason being a deep love of crisp, vanillin-scented pages. But I, also, want a place to voice my experience with the books I read, and, even more so, a place to encourage hunger for new concepts and stories.

There are so many brilliant book reviewers out there - people whose lives are totally dedicated to reading and creating strong impressions on what has flowed through the page. I don't hope to claim to be counted among them. But, if you're reading this, I hope you find something worthwhile. I'd like to take a journey with you.


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