Friday, May 23, 2014

The Ordinary Princess by M. M. Kaye

The Ordinary Princess was recommended to me in passing by a new friend I had made in the Summer of 2013… or, well, sort of. I had met someone new and interesting at a work conference I had attended in July. She added me on Facebook, and then I promptly added her (where else?) on GoodReads. I’ve found that one of my very favorite things about GoodReads is just the ability to add someone and instantly know them by their adds and “shelves.” And there was The Ordinary Princess at the top of her “favorites” shelf.

I think one of the best places to start in any relationship is knowing shared media, and, in my haste, I told her I would be immediately reading the book at the top of her list.
The response? Something to the effect of “oh, well… I just added it because it was my favorite childhood book. It’s not like it’s my favorite now.” And then pretty much stopped talking to me altogether.
Regardless, I’d already paid the steep kindle price of $4.99 to get to know my new friend, and I wasn’t going to just not read the damn book.

The Ordinary Princess has a familiar premise – a girl different from the rest with a heart of gold, but the way M. M. Kaye gets you from Point A to Point B is windy and fun. For anyone wanting to read something fluffy and joyful or needing something with a good moral to give to their little one, this is probably a good way to go. As all little girls should be told, it says to focus on who you are inside and enjoying the world and to not worry so much about your appearance.

It does do something that I find quite common in the “love yourself” genre, though – which is namely to put down people who are of a more “mainstream” aesthetic. I’ve always been a curly-haired nerd with pale skin and a deep love for fantasy and video games, so, while not unattractive, I’ve never been in the “it” crowd. However, I don’t think someone’s worth should be defined, for good or bad, by their appearances, and I do sometimes fear we’re going in the opposite direction of full acceptance...

But, at the same time, it’s always good to remind little girls there are more things than mascara that can make you cool.  

Four out of five stars!

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